


I have been around horses all my life. I started with riding lessons at a young age, and now with a BSc in Equine Studies (Coventry University 1998) and a P.G. Dip. in Equine Science (Aberystwyth University 1999), I took my hobby and turned it into a life long lesson.

I have had an affinity for troubled horses and decided to study equine behaviour while at university and specialised in equine behaviour and welfare in all my pieces of coursework. As well as my Degree and Post Graduate Diploma, I have the Monty Roberts Preliminary Certificate in Horsemastership from West-Oxfordshire College 1997. 

I decided to call this side of my life NightMares as the name seemed appropriate on a couple of different levels to problem horses!

In my life I have dealt with several different types of horses, from racehorses to welsh mountain ponies. There is no one favourite, but some do have a place in my heart, Pheezal, Taegus, Brew and Jake!


I would like to thank those who stand up for what they know is ‘best’ for the horse and who understand the importance of proving ‘traditionalists’ wrong through scientific research and raising the issues, providing a precedent for the future. 


(Click on the black horse for home...)